Migrant Integration Lab – A global device for sustainable integration designed by B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication 

Integration is a concept that has become a buzzword, and its meaning is interpreted in many different ways. We understands integration as a dynamic process involving two or more parties that work together to make a cohesive, balanced and harmonious whole. At Migrant Integration Lab we are contributing to making human communities successful and sustainable while organically embracing diversity. 

Our Labs are based on transnational frameworks that are giving policymakers a new lens with which to develop innovative public programs, and public-private partnerships across borders. And because of the economic implications of transnationalism, it provides opportunities for businesses, social entrepreneurs, and governments.


Oftentimes, art becomes a commentary on social mores, and occasionally breaks stereotypes in its stead.  Migrant Integration Lab’s Artivism simply uses art as a medium to address social issues such as racism, rights of individuals and communities including women, migrants, refugees and LGBTQ, by enabling a rethinking of stereotypes and empowerment of the disadvantaged. 

About the artist: LLG LOC for Migrant Integration Lab 

LLG LOC visionary artist creates photo stories and video installations that challenge stereotypes and create diversity, involving all types of people from friends to ordinary people. The Campaign represents a series of images inscribed with compelling truths about human diversity. 

Let us hear it from our artist LLG LOC:

 “Images enrich or disrupt the story and experience of each. This accumulation forms a heritage of standards & marks which, attached to a culture and sometimes to a social status, we all share, shape, co-produce as to communicate and make ourselves understood.

But what happens when we admit as certainty and absolute truth these models, these stereotypes?

Whatever the nature of our prejudices, are they not the fruit of our own representations of the unknown, the danger or the self-confidence?

And if we tried to grasp the Other one in its difference, to perceive uniqueness without trying to imitate him (her) or to submit him(her) to our own vision? Does not the originality make the individual?

Let us rediscover our identity, reclaim our appearance, affirm our uniqueness and let us break these normative codes that only maintain the exclusion and the frustration…”

You can find out more about how our artists are breaking boundaries on:  Migrant Integration Lab.

